Daily Journaling


Daily Journaling.

I remember sitting in my high-school roll call class and being introduced to the daily journal.
"Why would I want to do this?" was my first impression. It was weird and I just wanted to chat with my friends before class started.

But my teacher was pretty strict and rude and said if we didn't comply she would put us on detention. So, the next day I brought a blank exercise book to class to write down my thoughts. It was pretty funny as the first few pages were probably of me complaining how terrible the idea was, how I didn't like my teachers and how I could not wait to stop writing stupid things down.

But as days passed, that became weeks and then months, my writing everyday became a habit. And what I noticed was my writing changed. I would still write the first things that popped in my head (and realise how bad a speller I was and thought I should pay more attention in English) but I also started to reflect on my days, how they were going and where I wanted to go. Which in turn were my first attempts of writing down my dreams and goals.

When the year was almost up, I become aware at how I looked forward to roll call everyday. I was going to miss my daily writing, but not the teacher. And then I had an idea! What was stopping me from doing this at home? So, I decided to take it up....

Have you ever read an old journal and realise how far you have come?
They are pretty funny to read through but sometimes you may stumble across a page and think WOW, that dream I wrote there, in the past, I achieved that dream! And then you feel a sense of pride.......

Now I wanted to share something with you........

Have you heard of Five-Minute Journaling?

It’s designed to help you "Focus on the good things in your life, become more mindful, and live with intention".
It’s supposed to be really quick and simple … and help you take in a moment and be mindful before your day starts and towards the close of your day. With the goal to set good intentions and reflect on your day.

This is how it works:
Every morning list 3 things you’re grateful for, 3 things that "would make today great", and 1 daily affirmation (maybe find it on the web)


Every night write down 3 amazing things that happened during the day, and a sentence or two about what you could have done to make the day even better.

And because it’s short and sweet you can keep the dialogue all to one page.
This format is set up to train your mind, focusing on the positive things happening in your life… and shaking you out of negative thought loops that keep you feeling stuck.

Thus, helping you develop a deeper sense of control over your actions and your life.

If you enjoy journaling like me, try "upgrading" it to this format for a while to see how you like it!

But, If you don’t normally journal, this is the PERFECT format to start and experiment with.
Give it a try and tell me what you think?

Until next time.

Theresa Gray X