Work Burn Out and How to Re-charge your Battery.


Work Burn out! What is it and how to identify it!

 Work Burn Out is a stress on your body that leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. In addition, you feel a sense of decreased accomplishment and have a loss of personal identity.


Work Burnout is not medically recognised as a health condition but can be linked to other medical conditions such as depression .

Work burn out can affect your physical and mental health so here are some of the symptoms to be made aware of.

  • Feeling cynical and critical about your work.

  • Have a feeling of dread about going to work.

  • It is an effort to even think about getting to work.

  • Feeling irritable or impatient with people you work with.

  • Feeling irritable or impatient with customers.

  • Lacking energy to be consistently productive.

  • Lacking empathy.

  • Difficult to concentrate, even reading is hard.

  • Difficult to focus or stay on task, even on your favourite things.

  • Lack satisfaction in your day even if you have done well.

  • Feeling disillusioned.

  • Using stimulants or food, alcohol or drugs to make you feel better, or make you feel numb.

  • Not sleeping or having trouble falling asleep.

  • Unexplained reoccurring headaches, stomach pains, or bowel symptoms.

  • Any other physical complaints.

If you have answered YES! To any of these symptoms you may be experiencing Work Burn out.

Talking to your GP, a counselor or someone close to you, that you trust, may be the wake-up call you need.

You will also find sharing how you are feeling with loved ones or making them aware of how you are feeling may also be of help.



How to recharge your battery.

Life is Busy! And we are our own worst enemy, expecting more from ourselves in our workplace and in our home lives. But we really can’t do it all. And, as I have discussed above, if you are feeling pressured and overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to do constantly, can lead to you feeling Burnt Out. Or simply put, slumped in energy, fatigued and feeling flat. In these moments it is important to also look at your diet and decide on how to implement a few changes. To get the ideal fuel to re-energise your battery and keep it running efficiently.

Two Macro Nutrients I would like to really focus on are Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats.

Carbohydrates: The body’s preferred source of energy. However, I am not talking the processed kinds.

You can find all about Macros here:

To ensure you are receiving the optimal kind of carbohydrates, you are looking for ones that deliver a slow release of energy (Low GI). These Low GI carbs, keeps your blood sugars stable and gives you a more sustained fuel source. For example, food such as non-starchy vegetables, think spinach, kale, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes and cauliflower.

Fresh fruits, like bananas, berries and apples. And sweet potatoes, nut butters, oats and quinoa.

Now let’s look at some of these mentioned ingredients more closely.


Oats: are a great source of good quality carbohydrate that I am referring too that keeps you feeling fuller for longer. But it is important to note here: I am referring to the whole rolled oat rather than the quick oat that cooks in less than one minute. The difference being, the quick oats have been processed slightly and broken down more so that they are quicker to cook but not necessarily better for you.


Brown Rice: You don’t need to have a large portion to start feeling the effects of fullness, as brown rice is heavier to begin with and you can feel the burst of energy benefits instantly. (Brown rice contains the whole grain (husk) and fibre which is also great for gut health.


Bananas: Bananas contain vitamin B6, which is required for the metabolism of nutrients but also contains serotonin, which is the happy hormone.


Healthy fats: Think avocados, eggs, oily fish like salmon, tuna, anchovies ,sardines and olive oils, nuts and seeds. Ensuring that we are getting enough of these wonderful fats is vital for our mental health. In addition, healthy fats such as these fats contain Omega-3s, that are beneficial as they may also reduce the feeling of anxiety, stress, and depression. Nuts are especially great as they make a great snack and can help you with feeling energised when feeling tired throughout the day. For example, walnuts. I call them “The 3pm Pick me up”


Vitamin B’s: There are eight B Vitamins to be exact;

  • B1 Thiamine

  • B2 Riboflavin

  • B3 Niacin

  • B5 Pantothenic acid

  • B6 Pyridoxine

  • B7 Biotin

  • B9 Folate

  • B12 Cobalamin

That are essential to keeping our body’s working well. These beneficial vitamins convert our food into fuel which in turn energises us for the entire day. In addition, B Vitamins are water soluble which means we don’t store them for long and excrete any excess. Furthermore, over cooking foods that contain B Vitamins, think broccoli or heating up milk can also do damage to the vitamin and diminishes its availability. B Vitamins are found in grains, seeds, legumes, nuts, dairy, animal products, and eggs.


Selfcare, repair, rest and sleep:

Now that I have covered some foods that will provide you with sustained energy it is also good to mention self-care. It is great to fuel your body well and I am a big advocate for this. However, to manage your body sufficiently, a well-rested body with reduced stress levels, goes hand in hand to help with your recovery. Thus, being mindful of your body’s signals and listen to your body when it is telling you to slow down and pace yourself. Rest when you are tired, go to sleep a little earlier, nap throughout the day if you need to, keep well hydrated, move your body more, find activities that relieve stress, such as meditation and mindfulness exercises and move more if you can.

Remember 7 to 9 hours sleep is beneficial and also helps to support your health and wellbeing.

Want to know more…….

12 Week Nutrition Program (1).jpg

Have a look at my 12 Week Nutrition Program that teaches you a holistic approach to health and well-being and takes a closer look into self-care, sleep, stress, mindset and movement.

You can find the link here…….

Until next time

Theresa Gray