Winter is coming!



Tips for staying motivated in nutrition and fitness during the cooler months.

Excuse my pun. I love throwing it about during this time of the year.

As I sit here and write this next informative article for my healthy collectives and especially for you, it is 5.45am.

I got out of a deliciously warm bed at 5.15 am and was in a wonderful place in my dreams. I could have easily rolled over tucked the covers under my chin and drifted back into a deep sleep. But I didn’t. I jumped out of bed had a quick hot shower and put my gym gear on in preparation for my 8 am cardio workout.


Motivation starts

Motivation where does it come from?

I know I am not alone when I say sometimes I really don’t want to get up and as it gets colder it will be a constant struggle to keep my motivation up. It is just so easy to give up.

This can also be related to diet. When it is freezing outside all you want are those comfort foods that are heavy and hot and warm you up from the inside but are also high in carbohydrates that make you feel sluggish, and stack on the weight over winter. 


So I decided that my next topic of conversation will be on how I stay motivated in the cooler months in nutrition and fitness.

Here are my top 6 tips to keep you motivated.

Nutrition motivation tips;

1. Nutritious recipes: On my day off, I find some delicious wholesome and quick recipes that I can create mid-week. I flag the pages (always write down the page number and magazine I found it in) as there is nothing worse than searching for that recipe when you have hundreds of magazines to scan through like I do. I then write out a shopping list buy the ingredients and either prep these meals before the day to save time and/or cook these meals during the week.


If you have a plan and are organised you are more likely to stick to it. In comparison to coming home tired and starving with no plan and either buy takeaway or create a meal that’s not so nutritious.


2. Warming spices: Naturally everyone craves for comfort foods during winter and not a “BIG Salad”, as it’s our way of looking for a balance in keeping warm. My solution is to cook healthier comfort foods with warming spices. For example, a carrot ginger or pumpkin soup with a sprinkling of cinnamon or nutmeg. When I am craving bread or a creamy pasta bake, I recreate the same flavours in a healthier dish. Such as, using common spices like basil and oregano, black pepper, and cayenne pepper, which will give the same warming flavour. Now you can cook a variety of delicious grains like brown rice, barley, pasta, couscous or quinoa and pair it with a rich tomato base dish dolloped with ricotta or feta cheese and olives. In addition, smoky spices, like cumin or smoked paprika are a great way to cook some nice meaty veggies like eggplant or Portobello mushrooms. Look out for some classic healthier comfort food recipes in my recipes collection on my web page coming your way.



3.  Fruits and Veggies in season: I love including fruits and vegetables in season. I find it is fascinating that Mother Nature knows exactly what fruits and vegetables to provide us with that boosts our Vitamin C intake and supports our immunity especially for the cooler months. For example, fruits like oranges, mandarins, pears, kiwifruit, apples, avocados and eggplant that are all in season right now.

An added bonus is when you buy in season it also saves you dollars in your pocket which helps you save money too.

Exercise motivation tips:

“Don’t overthink it just do it”

Instead of procrastinating and coming up with a whole range of excuses why you shouldn’t go to do your workout, just get your gym gear on and go, without thinking about it. The energy it takes just thinking of the excuses of why you shouldn’t, you could have had your workout complete. In addition, an added bonus is to think of the positives, you will definitely warm up, you will have more energy and you will feel Great. So what are you waiting for.......?


5. Have your stuff organised the night before, so it makes it harder for you to change your mind in the morning or during the day. I know that if I have taken the time and effort to pack my gym bag the night before which may include a playlist of music then I don’t want to let my past self down. Therefore, I am more inclined to see my planned exercise routine to fruition.



6. Taking advantage of the beautiful weather (hikes, walks, cycling). Don’t get me wrong, I hate the cold weather when I am freezing. But when I am dressed appropriately to the cold elements then winter can actually be quite beautiful and invigorating. Whether it’s running, hiking, cycling, or boot camps, there’s a variety of ways to help you keep motivated and active. You know, the hardest thing is getting started and getting yourself out there. But, you also know once you start going you’ll be fine, you will warm up and have the coolness of the day on your cheeks which will also help to refresh your body when you get too hot.


So instead of overthinking it and looking at the computer, phone or TV screens, why not check out some beautiful scenery, live life and see what’s really out there? Maybe even motivate some of your friends when you post some amazing pictures of your day. Just remember though, the amazing feeling you have after a run, cycle or hike, that feeling will not only keep you motivated but will give you a great sense of accomplishment!